Picture Day Registration

Picture day is just around the corner!  There are a few changes to our pricing structure and delivery method starting in the fall of 2024.  Our fees for processing and prints have continued to rise over the last few years and a change was needed.  With that said, we are moving to an all digital package model to help keep costs for parents low while still offering the same quality photos.  You can still order prints from us or print them yourself at your favorite retailer or print lab.  We do recommend ordering from us as the print quality is much better than what you can get from local retailers such as Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, etc. 

Outside of helping keep costs low, this method allows for quicker delivery of images and gives you full resolution digitals to share and download.  This also makes the ordering process easier than our old system.  Please read about our different packages below!

*1 Player (Multiple Poses) w/Team Print – $45
This is for parents who want all the poses we take of their athlete.  We typically take 4-8 photos of each player to give a variety of different looks.  With this package, you’ll get all those poses in high resolution as well as a printed 8×10 custom Team Print!  If you have multiple kids (Siblings ONLY), you get a discount for each child you add.  20% for the 2nd, 30% for the 3rd. (Sibling discount reflected in the form below)

*1 Player (Single Pose) w/Team Print – $25
If you aren’t interested in all the poses and just want a single digital pose of your athlete, choose this package. If you have multiple kids (Siblings ONLY), you get a discount on each child you add.  10% for the 2nd and 20% for the 3rd. (Sibling discount reflected in the form below)

*Team Print ONLY – $15
If you don’t want any individual photos and only want the team print, choose this option.  This will be a custom 8×10 print of the team photo.

*Please note that prepayment is REQUIRED by picture day to have your child’s picture captured.  We will ONLY be capturing individual photos of players who have prepaid.  Your child may still be required by the team/organization to be in the team photo even if you don’t purchase an individual package. Regardless, we recommend your child still attend the team photo portion of the shoot.  The team photo will NOT be offered in digital format, either with a package or a la carte.  Team prints will be delivered in bulk to the team/organization for pickup.  We will notify you when that occurs.  Team prints are only a picture of the team and do not include an individual photo of your athlete like traditional Memory Mates.  If you have any questions, please let us know ahead of time by emailing info@marshallimagery.com